Friday, July 28, 2006

planning for fall

it seems like summer is almost over, despite all the heat. I'm spending half of aug entertaining family guests. my parents are coming for a week, followed immediately by my sister. all haven't been out here in over 2 years. so I will most likely drag all of them to the schindler house to get my tour (I keep my blogging a secret from my parents but not my docent duties). plus, I love playing tour guide - I truly do. I'm taking my parents to the hollywood bowl, we have dinner resevations at AOC, and I plan on asking john and jack to join us for dim sum in SGV. (john - ocean star?)

sept is the hard part to plan. I have a wedding in ny towards the end and I'm mostl likely speaking at a conf in ny around the same time. in mid-oct my father is in all probability having back surgery so I want to be there for the 4 days he's in the hospital. so here is my conundrum: do I just stay in new york, work from there, meet with clients/potential clients and couch surf between friends' apts and my parent's house? or do I fly back to LA and then go out to ny again mid oct? and did I mention I also have to go to ny in nov to speak at another conference? and here is what's calling me back - the Silver Lake architecture tour. which is just silly, bc I go to tours for free all the time with the schindler house, I've already been to Silvertop in the past year, and this thing costs $75 without the reception. can architecture be an addiction? because maybe I need to go cold turkey.


At 6:21 AM, Anonymous Christy Chan said...

This is a great ppost thanks


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