Wednesday, June 29, 2005

comparing houston and baghdad

since I'm not in LA this week I don't feel compelled to only write about that city (as the last few posts indicate). and I don't feel like only writing about new york, although I'm happy to be here. thus, a link to the blog of the institute of urban studies, that presents the bush administration's constant comparisons between baghdad and US cities to attempt to mitigate waning pulic support for the war:
Tom DeLay made his absurd comparison between Baghdad and his home town:

'You know, if Houston, Texas, was held to the same standard as Iraq is held to, nobody'd go to Houston, because all this reporting coming out of the local press in Houston is violence, murders, robberies, deaths on the highways.'

This was, of course, completely unfair to the Iraqi capital. Baghdad was one of the great cities of the world when Houston was nothing more than stinking, festering swamp.
Which just goes to show that some things never change.


At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a former Houston resident, I would prefer to live in Iraq.

At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a former Houston resident, I would prefer to live in Iraq.


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